Our specialists can help you identify confined spaces and work with you to develop safe systems of work, using optimum and safe practices.
Confined spaces can be found anywhere: below the ground in tunnels, chambers, trenches and pipes; above the ground in silos, vats, chambers and flues; or even at heights in wind turbines, power stations, industrial complexes and offices. Johnson Controls can visit your site, and provide a classification system (working in conjunction with the current site procedures) based on our own risk assessments of the hazards in the area.
Although the Health and Safety Act does not specify which equipment is appropriate, your business is still required to provide equipment that is “…appropriate in view of the likely emergencies identified in the risk assessment”. Experience is paramount in identifying appropriate equipment for each specific job and confined space. We carry a range of equipment that we know is suitable and flexible to cover a range of possible confined space emergency rescues. Our experts can assess your site to determine the correct equipment required for each confined space.
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